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Estate Planning – What to Expect in 2022

Estate Planning – What to Expect in 2022

 Click on the image above to view this video. In this episode, Gita Nassiri, CPA, JD, MBT and Catherine Magaña, CFP® discuss Estate Planning for 2022 and some changes that have occurred. So if you want to prepare your estate for your heirs, understand the...

Stock Market Update 8/4/2021

Stock Market Update 8/4/2021

 Click on the video above to watch August's Market Update. Stock Market Update 8/4/2021 In this informative yet brief market update, Steve Wolff discusses amazing stock earnings, the Delta Variant and mortgage rates. Transcript below: This is Steve Wolff, and we're...

Asset Management

Diversified asset allocation

Investment discipline

Risk management

Individualized approach

Continual monitoring

Access to top professional money managers

Financial Planning

Retirement planning, including traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, education IRAs and rollovers of company retirement plans

Employee stock option analysis

Education planning

Long-term care planning

Estate Planning

Estate preservation services, including succession planning, estate tax minimization and asset protection

Term insurance

Whole life policies

Second-to-die insurance for estate taxes

Gifting strategies

Business Services

Retirement plans

Deferred compensation plans

Executive financial services

Stock plan services