Stock Market Update | February 1, 2024

Stock Market Update | February 1, 2024

If you want to understand what’s going on in the economy, get better insight into the financial markets, and separate the sound from the noise so you can make good financial decisions, tune in now!

Recorded Feb. 1, 2024

WWM Financial is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor

The opinions expressed in this content are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. Any past performance discussed during this program is no guarantee of future results. Any indices referenced for comparison are unmanaged and cannot be invested into directly. As always please remember investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital; please seek advice from a licensed professional.

Top 20 Financial Planning Hacks, Tips 1-5

Top 20 Financial Planning Hacks, Tips 1-5

Click on the image above to view tips 1-5 of this webinar series.

FREE Financial Planning Webinar Series

  • Insider tips from a seasoned CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional
  • Actionable information and guidelines to get/keep your finances on track
  • Easy to understand explanations with evidence-based supporting materials

Have you ever wondered whether you’re on the right track with your finances? Is the finance industry jargon too difficult to understand and too expensive to access? If you answered yes to either/both of these, this 4-part webinar series is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. Based on practical experience with real clients, these common-sense tips may empower you to understand what you should be doing while improving your current and future financial status.

Scott McClatchey is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, CFP® with WWM Financial in Carlsbad, California. Scott can be reached at 760-692-5190 or

WWM Financial, an SEC-registered Investment Adviser. Advisory services offered where client advisory agreements are in place and WWM Financial is properly licensed. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. No investor should assume future performance of any specific investment will be profitable. This communication is for informational purposes only and not intended to be investment advice. Please seek professional financial advice before investing.

What Do You Do With Your Old 401k When You Leave a Company?

What Do You Do With Your Old 401k When You Leave a Company?

Click on the image above to view this Savvy Minute video.

In this video Catherine explains what you can do with your 401k when you leave a company.

Want to Accomplish More With Your Money?

Click on the link below to get your FREE Money 101 video.

Catherine Magaña is a CFP® or CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM and Managing Partner at Savvy Women Wealth Management in Carlsbad California.

We help women invest wisely and create custom financial plans for their way of living so they can enjoy a fulfilling retirement with peace of mind…

…without giving up their lifestyle.

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Savvy Women Wealth Management is a division of WWM Financial an SEC – Registered Investment Adviser.

Investing in Real Estate

Investing in Real Estate

The Savvy Minute: Investing in Real Estate

Click on the image above to watch this video.

Will The Trump Trade War Sink The Stock Market?

Will The Trump Trade War Sink The Stock Market?

Will The Trump Trade War Sink The Stock Market?

So here’s an understatement…there is some real volatility affecting the stock market these days.

In the last couple of months, the broader stock market is down around 12 or 13 percent from the highs. And from the beginning of the year the markets are down around 3 or 4 percent.

Some of the reasons for the decline? There’s technology stocks being overvalued, social media stocks getting pummeled for privacy concerns, and interest rates moving higher. But we believe the biggest reason for the recent stock market move is the tariffs that President Trump is putting on foreign goods. And exacerbating that is the indiscriminate selling of stocks, especially through Exchange Traded Funds, many of which have the large tech stocks as big holdings.

Will the tariffs be the reason the market will fall significantly from here?

Before we answer that, let’s take a look at what’s happening.

Trump says that other countries, especially China are already putting large tariffs on U.S. goods, and have been for many years. If you don’t know, a tariff is just another word for a tax. Trump is saying that those tariffs on U.S. products are creating an uneven playing field that puts the U.S. at a disadvantage. And to be honest, he is correct.

HIS solution is to put tariffs on foreign goods, especially those coming from China. This is causing China to up the ante with more tariffs on U.S. goods.

Let’s be clear, trade wars are never a good thing. Stock market investors and traders get very nervous when they start talking trade wars. Will this cause additional major erosion to the stock market going forward?

Certainly anything is possible, but the big cross current here is that we believe earnings for the first quarter, which will start being reported in the next couple of weeks, will come in pretty strong. Most of the economic metrics we have seen recently still show a strong economy. So unless corporate earnings are much worse than we think they will be, or the economic numbers start sliding, we believe the downside for the broader market is somewhat limited.

If you are a stock picker, there are some very good companies that are starting to look fairly inexpensive.

We do want buyers to beware that if indiscriminate selling continues, in other words panic starts taking over, it can take the market down significantly. But for the long-term investor, we believe the risk/reward is starting to look more favorable again.

For more market, investing and financial planning videos, please check out our website at And as our sister company, Savvy Women Wealth Management says, Savvy Up!!

Steve Wolff is a Managing Partner at WWM Financial in Carlsbad California. Steve can be reached at 760-692-5190 or