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Kerry and Jodi of WWM Financial volunteering at a Habitat for Humanity  project.

Kerry and Jodi of WWM Financial volunteering at a Habitat for Humanity project.

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Kerry Harmon and Jodi Mills from WWM Financial participated in Women Build 2014. During the first week of May 2014 in Imperial Beach, women from all over San Diego came together, swinging their hammers, so families can live in safe, decent, affordable homes. San Diego Habitat for Humanity makes home ownership affordable by offering qualified low income families a zero percent mortgage and “sweat equity” to be used as the down payment. Women Build does not exclude men from volunteer efforts, but includes women in the construction process, offering an empowering, unique, fun, and positive environment for women to give back, and to learn a few construction skills along the way! The day also includes a little pampering for our hard working ladies!

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Women Build

Women Build
